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  • Is it safe to purchase online? What payment methods are available?
    Yes, all payments are processed via a secure online payment portal that offers all the guarantees to ensure that transactions are made securely. We accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal. Once the order is formalized you will receive a confirmation email.
  • Can I modify or cancel my purchase?
    Yes, email us at including your order reference number and we will guide you through the process.
  • Are Beatriz Fabres products insured when shipped?
    Only upon request. If you’d like us to ensure your order, email us at .Please note that insurance costs will be added to your order.
  • Will I receive any information once the order is completed?
    At the end of your purchase, you will receive a confirmation email with your order reference and order details.
  • I can't find the jewelry I want in your online store…
    It is possible that over time, some collections will no longer be available in our online store. However, you can contact us at and request information or availability of any item.
  • How can I track my purchase?
    A shipping notification with tracking details will be sent via email after your order has shipped.
  • Are returns and exchanges allowed?
    Yes, you must first contact Beatriz Fabres’ Customer Service. You can check the regulations on returns and exchanges here.
  • How long will it take for my order to arrive?
    Orders usually take approximately 3 working days to be shipped and can take up to 7 working days to arrive at their destination, unless it is necessary to customize a piece of jewelry, in which case you will be duly informed.
  • I need to receive my order urgently. How should I proceed?
    You can contact us at, and if possible, we will try to meet your requested delivery date.
  • What countries do we ship to?
    Beatriz Fabres offers worldwide shipping service. Shipping costs will be those indicated at the time of purchase. In no case is Beatriz Fabres responsible or liable for the taxes that must be paid in each country to import the products purchased.
  • My item has arrived damaged, what can I do?
    In case your piece does not arrive in good condition due to a transport incident, please contact us at, providing us with your order number and images of the damaged piece and we will inform you on how to proceed. If you have not found the answer to your questions, please contact us at


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